Arrow Leadership exists to create a flourishing ecosystem, that supports the development of gospel-shaped leaders

your leadership grows here…

Arrow curates unique learning environments which invite the gospel to confront and shape leaders in highly relational and experiential ways. 
We develop a spiritual community of lifelong, Kingdom-minded leaders, who will be led more by Jesus, lead more like Jesus, and lead more to Jesus.
(Arrow is best suited for leaders who have had five years of experience and are in the 25 - 45ish age bracket)

Find out more about our three curated learning experiences: SOUL, LEAD, and HOME


SOUL is designed to help a leader identify their unique wiring, gifting, and calling and to provide a place for spiritual formation and character transformation
within a cohort of peers.


LEAD is designed to enhance organisational leadership competencies and nurture character transformation for faith-based leaders who seek to bring change and resilience in their teams, organisations and churches.


HOME focuses on helping couples to get on the same page in their vocational calls, empowering them
to name their individual and shared values and vision,
and forming a roadmap to work together to
see their dreams realised. 

Practioner-led training for the real world

At Arrow Leadership we are proud to partner with others who share the same kaupapa around healthy leadership development. We utilise and recommend the coaching provided by the Laidlaw CfCL team.